Please note that all meetings that are open to the public and press may be filmed or recorded and/or commented on online by the council or any member of the public or press. However this activity must not disrupt the meeting, and if it does you will be asked to stop and possibly to leave the meeting.
If you wish to record, film or photograph the council meeting or if you believe that being filmed or recorded would pose a risk to the safety of you or others then please speak with the Clerk prior to that start of the meeting. Their contact details are on the agenda papers.
If the press and public are excluded for part of a meeting because confidential or exempt information is likely to be disclosed, there is no right to record that part of the meeting. All recording and filming equipment must be removed from the meeting room when the public and press are excluded.
If you require further information please see the council guide to reporting on council meetings which can be found at
All information that is recorded by the council is held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. For further information please contact the Clerk on (01983) 559119